Flat Fee Consultation – For Employers

Here are some examples of the types of matters that Attorney Small has reviewed for employer clients on a flat-fee consultation basis:

  • Assist with ensuring that employees are appropriately classified as exempt from overtime pay
  • Assist with designating workers properly as “independent contractors” versus “employees”
  • Assist with preparation for FLSA audit scheduled by Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division
  • Assist with developing plan on how to conduct an internal workplace investigation
  • An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of an employee’s claim or grievance
  • Assist with analysis of all personnel policies, contracts or documents related an employee claim
  • Assist with determining whether to terminate and what information to communicate to the employee
  • Counsel regarding your rights and responsibilities as employer under laws, policies and contracts
  • Assist with drafting a proposed severance agreement or termination notice
  • Assist with determining whether personnel handbook is current for your company’s culture and its H/R goals.
  • Assist with assessment of charge filed with the EEOC, Florida Commission on Human Relations.

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